If you’ve ever got any questions with regards to the web hosting service or if you encounter a problem with your sites, you will need to contact the hosting provider’s tech support team. It may not matter how promptly they’ll reply when you've got a query of a general nature, but a problem such as a messed up web app update, for instance, may lead to your site becoming broken or invisible online. And the longer you wait for the support team to lend you a helping hand, the longer the site will be down. If you offer goods or services online, any outage will affect your site in an adverse way and you can lose current or potential visitors. A lot of web hosting providers, chiefly resellers, reply to emails and trouble tickets within twenty four hours, but in the electronic epoch that’s much too long, since clients will hardly ever come back to a site that’s not functioning correctly over prolonged spans of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting
Our shared web hosting feature a one-hour response time guarantee, which means that irrespective of what enquiry or predicament you may have, we will always be there to help you. As a matter of fact, it rarely takes more than half an hour to get an issue resolved or an enquiry answered, and this is valid for both technical and sales matters. Our help desk support team members will be at your service 24/7, even on weekends and legal holidays, so you will obtain immediate help at all times. We understand precisely how costly time can be, so by the time we reply to your ticket or email, we will have enquired into the issue and, if we haven’t resolved it, we’ll give you more information on what you have to do on your end, if the circumstances necessitate this. With our support service, you can rest assured that there will be somebody to help you momentarily, regardless of what time of day or night it is.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our technical support staff reps are available at all times and they will reply to any trouble ticket that you post through our web hosting Control Panel within no more than one hour. The ticket response time is guaranteed irrespective of whether you’ve got a generic query with regards to your semi-dedicated server or you bump into some predicament and for most issues you won’t have to wait even that long. No matter what the essence of the issue is or what time it is, we will be there to help you, as we’re available 24x7x365 to handle any general, billing or technical issue. If you get in touch with us about anything that’s within our capacity, we’ll solve it before we reply to you, so you won’t have to wait around for hours or days while the problem persists. In case there’s something that you have to do on your end, we’ll give you the needed information – what workable solutions to try, what actions to take, etc.